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7/31/2024 “Town Hall” from the VA’s Advisory Committee on Disability Compensation

Since there are some relevant proposed rule changes out there it makes sense to hear what is being talked about in relation to the VA’s schedule for rating disabilities. There is a relevant committee that meets and there is another meeting coming up in case you are interested.

There was a notice in the Federal Register from the DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Advisory Committee on Disability Compensation, Notice of Meeting that there will be a “town hall” in Columbia, South Carolina on 7/31/2024.

On Wednesday, July 31, 2024, the
Committee will convene an open
session from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT
to hold a Veterans Townhall and meet
with Veteran Service Officers and
Congressional/Senatorial staffers.

The public is invited to address the
Committee during the public comment
period, which will be open for 30
minutes from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
EDT on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. The
public can also submit one-page
summaries of their written statements
for the Committee’s review. Public
comments must be received no later
than July 24, 2024, for inclusion in the
official meeting record. Please send
these comments to Jadine Piper of the
Veterans Benefits Administration,
Compensation Service, at 21C_
[email protected].

Additionally, any member of the
public or media planning to attend or
seeking additional information, or those
who wish to obtain a copy of the agenda
should contact Jadine Piper at 21C_
[email protected], the call-in
number (United States, Chicago) for
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
those who would like to attend the
meeting is: 872–701–0185; phone
conference ID: 101 350 725 #. Members
of the public may also access the
meeting by pasting the following URL
into a web browser:

The purpose of the Committee is to
advise the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
on the maintenance and periodic
readjustment of the VA Schedule for
Rating Disabilities (VASRD). The
Committee is to assemble and review
relevant information relating to the
nature and character of disabilities
arising during service in the Armed
Forces, provide an ongoing assessment
of the effectiveness of the VASRD, and
give advice on the most appropriate
means of responding to the needs of
Veterans relating to disability
compensation in the future.