Of course, when you send a records review referral to me for a nexus letter I want to review any previous Ratings Decisions you’ve had in the past so I can address any concerns the rater may have had and consider what evidence they used and didn’t use.
If I write an opinion/nexus letter/ exam and then the subsequent Rating Decision doesn’t go with my opinion– I want to see that Rating Decision after. Sometimes the rater may not have addressed the actual substance of my opinion, went with a poorly supported opinion from the C&P or some other reason. I would like the opportunity to provide my feedback about the Rating Decision. If you get a nexus letter or exam from me and I offer an opinion, and the Rating Decision then doesn’t go with my opinion, please reach back out to me. I will look at that Rating Decision at no cost to you. I only issue opinions that I believe in and I am happy to take another look at your evidence and see why the Rating Decision went the way it did.
If you need a nexus letter, independent medical opinion or independent disability examination please feel free to reach out to me.